A loving family sharing excitement on moving day

Unlock your dream of homeownership.

With as little as 2.5% down, shop for a home and own now. We partner with you in your home and unlock your pathway to full ownership.

Why Key?

Shop for a home to own now

Shop with a realtor and pick the home. Key invests with you and shares the increase in home value.

Down payment as low as 2.5%

Don’t wait as home prices increase faster than your savings. Get started with only 2.5% of the value of your dream home.

Start Owning

Mortgage free until you're ready

Just pay Key - who is your partner in your home - monthly. Over the term of our program you will build enough equity to be ready for full ownership (and mortgage).

Build wealth instead of renting forever

Your initial deposit and part of your monthly payment grows with the value of the home…unlike renting.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a chat now to learn more!

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Key is unlocking hope for homeownership.

Key has been serving families and unlocking homeownership since 2021. Hear from our co-ownership community.

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