Unlock your dream of homeownership.

With as little as 2.5% down, shop for a home to own now. We buy the home for you and unlock your pathway to full ownership in 5 years.

Start Owning

Why Key?

Down payment as low as 2.5%

Get started with only 2.5% down payment of the initial value of your home.
Don’t wait as home prices increase faster than your savings.

Mortgage free until you’re ready

Postpone getting a mortgage until after five years when you're ready to buy the home fully from Key.
Save on Land Transfer Tax and legal fees today.

Start Owning

Build additional equity towards your final down payment

Key gives you $450 to $600 additional equity for every $1,000 of the initial down payment and equity deposits you make. We help you build towards your final 10% down payment.

Secured Residency

Secure your residency in a home you like and pay a set monthly amount to Key. No more stress of increasing monthly occupancy payments or sudden renovictions.

Start Owning

Your Key to homeownership

Whether you’re new to Canada, taking the next step in your relationship or looking for a home to raise your kids, Key is for you. 

We believe that everyone deserves a place to call home in Canada. Let’s find Your Home.

How does Key help with a down payment?

You only need 2.5% down to buy the home you want to live in.

You could buy a $700,000 home with only $17,500 initial down payment today with Key.



up to 20%


Initial down payment

You get $450 to $600 additional equity for every $1,000 equity deposit you add.

With Key, you could get up to $28,000 in additional equity for a $700,000 home purchase. Try our calculator to see how this can work for you.

$450 to $600

Added for every $1,000 deposit

Toward final down payment

Key in the news

We're making a buzz in the industry. Read all about it.


Key is unlocking hope for homeownership.

Key has been serving families and unlocking homeownership since 2021. Hear from our community.

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